Monday, 14 January 2013

Space NK "Lust-haves": MONDAY

Space NK. What a simply fabulous shop.

Long before I joined Chantecaille I could regularly be found shimmying my way up and down the aisles of a Space NK boutique...perusing the latest lotions and potions whilst simultaneously trying to justify new purchases in my head (come on, we all do it).

Naturally, being such a fan of the store I was worried that working in store would diminish my love for it... But I'm pleased to say it has only strengthened the bond! *cheer*

I've had my beady eye on a couple of products for several weeks now. I like to call them my "lust-haves"and I thought I would share them with you, one for each day of the stay tuned!

First up on my "lust-have" list:

CANE + AUSTIN Retexturizing Treatment Pads (with Glycolic Acid. £48 for 60 pads).

What the heck is glycolic acid I hear you cry?  

The more savvy skin care enthusiasts among us will be able to extol the benefits of hyaluronic acid, a hydrating ingredient frequently promoted in so many skin care products these days. But what's so good about glycolic acid? 

Essentially glycolic acid is derived from sugar cane and is one of the better known fruit acids or AHA's (alpha-hydroxy acids). D
ermatologists use concentrations of +20% when performing chemical peels on their clients, but the Cane and Austin Retexturising pads contain just 10% glycolic acid making them safe enough to use at home.  

I found this handy description which explains why glycolic acid pads are a good exfoliant for the skin:
" protect the facial and neck areas from the residual effects of damaging product build ups and environmental pollutants."

Back Of The Hand Test
Next time you're in Space NK, try one of the pads on the back of your hand. These pads really do what they say on the tin: retexturise the skin by exfoliating the top layer, revealing more radiant skin underneath.

The Cane and Austin pads aren't cheap but I have it on good authority from someone who uses them that you can easily cut each pad in half, giving you double the amount of uses.

My one reservation about these pads is the fact they contain acetone (yes, that's right, the stuff that's in nail varnish) but I've been told it's not very much. If you have über-sensitive skin, these are probably not for you.

Have you tried retexturizing pads before? What did you think?

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